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Nonprofit and Philanthropic News Archive

When do Boards reach the “Tipping Point” from diversity to equity?

April 29, 2022 | Comments Off on When do Boards reach the “Tipping Point” from diversity to equity?

Written by Sean Thomas-Breitfeld (Co-Executive Director) | Building Movement Project | 4.11.22 Over the past six years of our Race to Lead initiative, I’ve been curious about how we measure progress towards making nonprofits and our sector more equitable. Keeping in mind the many think-pieces on the…

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Bill Would Establish Nonprofit Office in the White House

April 29, 2022 | Comments Off on Bill Would Establish Nonprofit Office in the White House

by Dan Parks | 4.27.22 | The Chronicle of Philanthropy Bipartisan legislation introduced in the House of Representatives would create a new office in the White House dedicated to improving coordination between nonprofits and the federal government. The office would make policy recommendations, coordinate the…

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How Do You Lead?

April 25, 2022 | Comments Off on How Do You Lead?

Leaders: What Do You Think About…How You Lead?   Leadership is influencing others to act. Leaders do the right things. Managers do things right. Professional leaders do both. Authority to lead comes from at least 4 overlapping sources: Position: Decide, reward, hire, fire Expertise: Knowledge,…

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Alliance of Arizona Nonprofits Celebrates National Volunteer Week

April 14, 2022 | Comments Off on Alliance of Arizona Nonprofits Celebrates National Volunteer Week

Alliance of Arizona Nonprofits Celebrates National Volunteer Week    Annual National Volunteer Week, led by AmeriCorps, recognizes volunteers for their contributions [PHOENIX, AZ] – This week the Alliance of Arizona Nonprofits celebrates National Volunteer Week to honor the enduring contributions of volunteers and encourage all Americans…

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NEWS RELEASE FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE   PRELIMINARY ARIZONA GIVES DAY TALLIES SHOW STATEWIDE DONATIONS WILL TOP $5 MILLION               PHOENIX, Ariz. (April 6, 2022): While complete numbers won’t be fully tallied for another week as nonprofits around the state submit final reports which include additional…

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Charitable Giving in 2021 Increased 2.7{db3a81091b7c379d31e472a49617efea47c73081395c2b5a547685e6e0e77494} Over Unprecedented 2020 Levels

April 12, 2022 | Comments Off on Charitable Giving in 2021 Increased 2.7{db3a81091b7c379d31e472a49617efea47c73081395c2b5a547685e6e0e77494} Over Unprecedented 2020 Levels

New Retained Donors up 26{db3a81091b7c379d31e472a49617efea47c73081395c2b5a547685e6e0e77494}, Despite Overall 5.7{db3a81091b7c379d31e472a49617efea47c73081395c2b5a547685e6e0e77494} Drop in Number of Donors Buoyed by large donors, as well as donors who were acquired by an organization in 2020, and continued their support in 2021, overall charitable giving increased by 2.7 in 2021, according to…

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Law Matters Live Radio Show

April 10, 2022 | Comments Off on Law Matters Live Radio Show

  Law Matters Live Radio Show  Every Sat. moring at 8, Law Matters brings law enforcement to you. The Law Matters live, weekly radio show was created to give law enforcement a voice rather than a soundbite. In doing so, we also give our listeners…

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Three Easy Ways to Attract & Retain People… Listen, Inform, Care

April 6, 2022 | Comments Off on Three Easy Ways to Attract & Retain People… Listen, Inform, Care

Three Easy Ways to Attract & Retain People… Listen, Inform, Care Re-engaging and attracting new “talent” can be simple and low-cost propositions, even in these overwhelming times. The most important factor in resolving the Great Resignation, or talent outflow, is to provide engaging experiences to…

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Nonprofit leaders…are you sufficiently in touch with of your impact on the people you lead?

April 1, 2022 | Comments Off on Nonprofit leaders…are you sufficiently in touch with of your impact on the people you lead?

Nonprofit leaders…are you sufficiently in touch with of your impact on the people you lead?  Do you understand how people see you, your moods and behavior?   Now is the precise moment time for nonprofit leaders to take a look at their emotional intelligence (EI).…

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Virtuous Acquires VOMO

March 21, 2022 | Comments Off on Virtuous Acquires VOMO

  Virtuous Acquires VOMO  Virtuous is a single issue company: We’re missioned to move the needle on global generosity by helping nonprofits better connect with and inspire their givers.We’re excited to share that we’re taking another step forward on this mission, and have acquired VOMO,…

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