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COUNTY NONPROFIT FACEBOOK GROUPS   The Alliance of Arizona Nonprofits has developed nonprofit networking groups on Facebook that are specific to each County. Each nonprofit can use their respective group to connect with other nonprofits, network, share information on upcoming events, make requests for volunteers, and more!   If your organization services more than one…

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Law Matters Live Radio Show

  Law Matters Live Radio Show  Every Sat. moring at 8, Law Matters brings law enforcement to you. The Law Matters live, weekly radio show was created to give law enforcement a voice rather than a soundbite. In doing so, we also give our listeners a voice with federal, state, and local law-enforcement agencies across…

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Cryptocurrency and Philanthropy for Nonprofits, Featuring Pat Duffy on The Nonprofit MBA Podcast

Cryptocurrency and Philanthropy for Nonprofits, Featuring Pat Duffy on The Nonprofit MBA Podcast   Pat Duffy From The Giving Block and Stephen Halasnik from Financing Solutions ( discuss how cryptocurrency adoption by nonprofits has changed the tide of nonprofit fundraising in recent times. Nonprofits that have leveraged digital currency in their fundraiser have increasingly expanded…

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Fundraiser to Celebrate Neurodiverse Students!

Fundraiser to Celebrate Neurodiverse Students!   What better way to support student success than a fun game of golf with family & friends? This year, we’re putting the FUN in fundraiser at TopGolf Scottsdale! NorthBridge is celebrating our 11th year as a non-profit organization at TopGolf. Since we have been unable to host our annual…

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Virginia G. Piper Charitable Trust’s 2021 Grantmaking Expresses Trust’s Commitment

Virginia G. Piper Charitable Trust’s 2021 Grantmaking Expresses Trust’s Commitment to Long-Term Investment and Meeting Critical Moments  virginiagpiper_charitable_t.docx VIRGINIA G. PIPER CHARITABLE TRUST Press Release February 3, 2022PHOENIX, Ariz.—Virginia G. Piper Charitable Trust’s nearly $141 million in grantmaking during the last half of 2021 is a keen expression of both its legacy of long-term strategic…

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2022 Community Partnership Award!

2022 Community Partnership Award Mutual of America presents several grants, and $100,000 is awarded to the winning organization each year. The aim of the annual award is to recognize the important contributions that nonprofit organizations, in partnership with public, private, and other social sector organizations, make to society.  Applications opened on February 1st and are due…

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Break-Through Power: Professional Leadership Teams

Break-Through Power: Professional Leadership Teams Moving from work groups of leaders to professional leadership teams Is your senior leadership team living up to its full potential at this critical point in time? Do one or more leaders now not fit their role, the team? Can the team break through the pandemic-induced problems to lead to…

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Financing Solutions Reveals Small Nonprofits Credit Line Utilization Up a Whopping 70{58e5d7d42e809ca7afab17f751b4b89d8d6b9599cf09362dae9f726813a6e757}

Leading Line of Credit Provider Says Small Nonprofits Are Utilizing Their Nonprofit Line Of Credit More Than Ever BeforeBoonton, NJ– 2/7/22 – Leading provider of loans for nonprofits and nonprofit lines of credit, Financing Solutions, reveals small nonprofits are utilizing their nonprofit line of credit more than ever before. Since October 2021, nonprofits utilizing their…

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