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Welcome January/February New + Renewing Members!

Every nonprofit is working hard to create meaningful change in their community. Often, they are doing more with less and need assistance to gain access to important information and resources. As Alliance members, you will have access to an extensive group of member benefits and resources.  The Alliance  + Arizona Grantmakers Forum thanks you for your…

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Organizations Merge to Increase Impact of Nonprofits in Arizona, PBS Horizon Interview’s Kristen Wilson (Merrifield) and Laurie Liles

AZ Grantmakers Forum and the Alliance of Non-profits recently merged. Kristen Merrifield and Laurie Liles will discuss the impact the organizations have on the community and what they hope to see from the Legislature.×9-mezzanine/azhzn23036-hdba-1-hls-16×9-720p.m3u8#t=741,1110 Click here to view this video segment on the PBS website. 

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Alliance of Arizona Nonprofits + Arizona Grantmakers Forum Seeking Coordinator/Project Manager to Serve Southern Arizona Network

Project Scope  The Alliance of Arizona Nonprofits and Arizona Grantmakers Forum, working under the Alliance of Arizona Nonprofits (the Alliance), are seeking an independent contractor to serve as coordinator/project manager for its Southern Arizona Network (SAN). This contractor will work on building a local presence in the region of southern Arizona (described as the region…

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The Nonprofit Sector: Looking at the Bigger Picture

Written by: Natasha Lopez-Rodriquez, , MBA – Director of Capacity Building & Education. As leaders in our organizations, we are constantly looking at the bigger picture in running a successful nonprofit. Many see the nonprofit industry as a mythical world or not a real business. Some believe that nonprofit leaders do not really understand business concepts like management, accounting,…

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In Business Magazine: 11 Top Business Organizations You Should Know

The Alliance of Arizona Nonprofits + Arizona Grantmakers Forum was selected as one of the 11 Top Business Organizations You Should Know by In Business Magazine!  Check out the entire February issue here.  /*! elementor – v3.10.2 – 29-01-2023 */ .elementor-widget-image{text-align:center}.elementor-widget-image a{display:inline-block}.elementor-widget-image a img[src$=”.svg”]{width:48px}.elementor-widget-image img{vertical-align:middle;display:inline-block}

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Kema Charles Lights Camera Discover

How has your career benefited from being a member? ——— I love being a member, it has allowed me to connect with people that have been able to assist in our growth Any tips or advice for new members? ——— Take advantage of the classes and the luncheons. What do you like most about being…

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Fresh Off Merger with Arizona Grantmakers Forum, Alliance of Arizona Nonprofits Looks to Expand Impact

Alliance of Arizona Nonprofits Debuts New Staff Structure, Enhancements to Executive Program and New Website for New Year   Fresh Off Merger with Arizona Grantmakers Forum, Organization Looks to Expand Impact  PHOENIX (date) — The newly merged Alliance of Arizona Nonprofits and Arizona Grantmakers Forum have implemented several changes and enhancements in the new year to expand the…

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Welcome to our new site! Here’s what you need to know to get started

/*! elementor – v3.9.2 – 21-12-2022 */ .elementor-widget-image{text-align:center}.elementor-widget-image a{display:inline-block}.elementor-widget-image a img[src$=”.svg”]{width:48px}.elementor-widget-image img{vertical-align:middle;display:inline-block} Login to your Account Welcome! Our new Learning Management System and Website is now live! If you visit our website at, you will notice some big changes to our navigation, look and feel, as well our learning management system where you will be…

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Jennifer Blair, plans for retirement at the end of 2022

    Dear Alliance Members, Partners, Friends, and Supporters.   After 26 years of impactful work in the nonprofit sector, I have decided to retire from the Alliance of Arizona Nonprofits effective December 31st of this year.   Since I began working as the first Director of Membership at the Alliance in 2006 and again when…

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Phoenix Committee on Foreign Relations Exec. Dir. Receives 2022 City of Phoenix Global Citizen Award

Phoenix Committee on Foreign Relations Executive Director Receives 2022 City of Phoenix Global Citizen Award  Tina Waddington, Executive Director of the Phoenix Committee on Foreign Relations (PCFR), has been named by Phoenix Mayor Kate Gallego as the recipient of the 2022 Global Citizen Award. Waddington will be honored at The Mayor’s International, Phoenix Sister Cities’…

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